Sports Website Review: Soccer - A World Of Soccer

This is an online review of A World Of Soccer, a site dedicated to international soccer, tournaments and players


Best Soccer Website: A World Of Soccer

Website reviews: Soccer - A World Of SoccerReview: We've been searching for soccer related websites and we were pleased to find this site:

All the soccer lovers will be delighted with this website. It is so full of information that one is amazed about the time they might have invested to put all the data together.

Soccer is the sport number one around the world, it started more than a hundred years ago, and there are important leagues everywhere, specially in Europe and South America. There are a lot of international tournaments and the Soccer World Cup is an event so important that it is at the level of the Olympic Games or even higher.

So you can imagine that it is not an easy task to put all that information in one website. But that's what these guys pretend here and certainly is what they accomplish.

Although the site is up to date with the champions of each tournament and league and has a small news section, the goal of it is not to show you the latest game results, if that's what you are looking for you may prefer to visit a site like Yahoo! Sports Soccer World or ESPN Soccernet . A World Of Soccer is more like a soccer encyclopedia, and a big one.

The conclusion: This is the best soccer site we've found.

Sections review:

Top Tournaments has information about the international tournaments and about the major domestic soccer leagues. You will find tournaments like the Soccer World Cup, Olympic Games, UEFA, Libertadores Cup and leagues like the English, Spanish, Italian, Argentinean and more.

National Teams includes data for each national team with tournaments organized, cups won, World Cup appearances greatest players, jersey colors, etc. Just name the national team, and be sure you will find it in this section. Brazil, Argentina, England, Italia, France, and even african and asian teams.

Top Teams: similar to the national teams section but for domestic teams, with leagues and tournaments won, confederation and some official information. All the relevant soccer teams are here: Manchester, Barcelona, Real Madrid, Milan, Inter, Boca Juniors, and the list goes on.

USA Soccer and Mexican Soccer have a page for each team of those leagues.

Top Players: if you want to talk about soccer you must know something about these players: Diego Maradona, Pelé, Zinedine Zidane.


Note: Soccer is the name this sport gets only in the United States. For the rest of the world the english word for the sport is football. And it has nothing to do with American Football.

This site has two other versions: Info Fútbol Onlne is the Spanish version and Info Football Online is the English version but for the rest of the world.


Related links:
Yahoo!Sports Soccer World
ESPN Soccernet
InfoFútbol Online is the Spanish version of the soccer (fútbol) site reviewed in this page.


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